Dinâmica metropolitana, vulnerabilidade socioambiental e sua interface com as mudanças climáticas na região metropolitana de Natal/RN
2019-06-13Registro en:
ALVES, Edilza Paula Queiroz. Dinâmica metropolitana, vulnerabilidade socioambiental e sua interface com as mudanças climáticas na região metropolitana de Natal/RN. 2019. 159f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Alves, Edilza Paula Queiroz
The expansion of the cities brought with it the problem of disorder in the urban
centers caused by the process of urbanization and population growth, which reflected
in its metropolitan dynamics and its socio-spatial organization, accompanied by
social and territorial inequalities, contributing to segregated spaces by the population
in situation of socio-environmental vulnerability, resulting in impacts on the soil, due
to their misuse and occupation. Thus, the Metropolitan Region of Natal (MRN) was
marked by major changes in the organization of its space, in its socioeconomic
activities, the way of living and inhabiting in urban spaces, the degradation of the soil,
showing factors that can cause changes in climate change. In this sense, the present
research aimed to understand how the dynamics of the MRN socio-spatial
organization at its intrametropolitan level integrates the perspective of climate
adaptation and risk management in their territories. The methodological procedures
used follow the guidelines of a qualitative and quantitative research, through
bibliographic reviews and data collection instruments. As source it was used the
microdata from the 2010 Demographic Census and the Survey of Basic Municipal
Information (MUNIC-2017), both from IBGE, and the 2010 Social Vulnerability Atlas
(IVS) presented by IPEA. The results show that the MRN’s socio-spatial organization
is unequal, being the result of socio-economic factors that reflect urban and climatic
changes in a context of socio-environmental vulnerability. Therefore, strategies are
needed to deal with the reduction of risks caused by climate changes.