Credibilidade do travel influencer no Instagram afetando a intenção do viajante na escolha de destinos
2020-02-17Registro en:
SILVA, Ayslane Costa da. Credibilidade do travel influencer no Instagram afetando a intenção do viajante na escolha de destinos. 2020. 129f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Turismo) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Silva, Ayslane Costa da
Instagram is a platform that works as a form of multimodal travel writing, where authorsusers act in travel performances when posting posts from visited destinations, in addition
to searching for travel tips. In this social media scenario, Travel Influencers emerge,
gaining a prominent role because travelers seek elements, tips and enthusiasm to make
choices that they would often not make in their travel plans. However, these travelers
need to perceive credibility in the information collected. Thus, the present research
examines how the credibility of Travel Influencer on Instagram affects the traveler's
intention in choosing travel destinations. The model was design based on the combination
of two theories: Heuristic-Systematic Model (HSM) and Theory of Reasoned Action
(TRA). In the research model it is assumed that the content produced by the travel
influencer is studied through two processing routes: heuristic and systematic. It is
proposed as the heuristic dimension the reliability of the influencer, and as the systematic
dimension the quality of the argument, where together they influence credibility. The
model also checks if there is a direct relationship between credibility, image, subjective
norms and attitude with the traveler's behavioral intention when choosing a tourist
destination. The study uses the hypothetical deductive method, with a quantitative
approach, with the characteristic of being descriptive and exploratory. 222 questionnaires
were collected, distributed online via the Instagram platform, as they used social networks
and travel influencers when choosing travel destinations. As an analysis technique,
exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and modeling of structural equations
wereused with the support of the SPPS and AMOS. The main results shows that the user’s
perception about informativeness (quality of the argument) and personality (reliability)
measure the the travel influencer’s credibility through the travel content. Thus, the
heuristic and systematic routers act in the processing of the credibility of the travel
influencer, and through the TAR (attitude, subjective norms) and the perceived image of
the destination positively affect the traveler's intention to choose travel destinations,
whose variance is explained in 71% in the model. Finally, the study's contributions
expand the applications of MHS for theoretical and market purposes, pointing out trends
in the integration of the Instagram platform to the user's behavior regarding the choice of
travel destinations.