dc.contributorSantos, Lauriana Medeiros Costa
dc.contributorRocha, Bianca Nunes Guedes do Amaral
dc.contributorBosco Filho, João
dc.creatorMedeiros, Vanisse Kalyne de
dc.identifierMEDEIROS, Vanisse Kalyne de. Cuidados de enfermagem para a preservação de cateteres para hemodiálise: contribuição da educação permanente. 2019. 85f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Práticas de Saúde e Educação) - Escola de Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
dc.description.abstractThis is a study about the contribution of Permanent Education in Nursing care for the preservation of catheters for Hemodialysis (HD). Convergent Care Research, of a qualitative nature, developed in a University Hospital, located in the city of Natal / RN. The objective of this study was to analyze the contribution of Permanent Education through a problematizing educational action in the professional development of Nursing workers in the preservation of catheters for hemodialysis. It had as theoretical reference the Permanent Education Policy. A problematizing educational action was carried out, which followed the stages of the Arch of Maguerez: observation of reality, identification of key points, theorization, construction of hypotheses of solution and application to reality. Eleven professionals from the clinical ward of the urinary system unit of the hospital participated, being two nurses and nine nursing technicians. Data collection took place in october and november 2018. The techniques for data collection were the focus group and the semi-structured interview. The data were transcribed and transported to the software Atlas-ti, version 8.0, in which the steps of pre-analysis and exploration of the material were implemented, as Minayo establishes in the analysis of the thematic content, with the material coding and organization in categories and subcategories, so that later treatment of the results could be done, executing the inference and the interpretation. The following categories emerged: "Lack of Continuing Education and Systematization of Nursing Care", "Learning Needs for Hemodialysis Catheter Preservation", "Evaluation of educational action to address caregiving", "Learning that generates a new feeling and a new care "," Process of awareness and responsibility on care” and “Practical evidence on the process of transformation of reality”. The results showed that the Permanent Education, based on the problematization of reality, favored a rethinking about the care and professional practices, about the roles played by the nursing technician and the nurse in teamwork. Thus stimulating a process of awareness of the responsibility and relevance of each professional doing, in order to develop care with humanity, ethics, qualified listening, promotion of quality of life and early intervention to prevent risks and health problems. In this perspective, due to the positive evaluation of the educational action by the participants of the research, the proposal of permanent education, elaborated as a product of the Professional Master's Degree, contemplated the stages of the Arch of Maguerez for the professional development in the insertion and permanence in the care with the patient with catheter for Hemodialysis.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEducação em Enfermagem
dc.subjectDialise renal
dc.subjectCateteres venosos centrais
dc.subjectEducação permanente e educação continuada
dc.titleCuidados de enfermagem para a preservação de cateteres para hemodiálise: contribuição da educação permanente

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