Perspectivas socioeconômicas da violência sexual no Brasil: dinâmica e níveis de associações causais
2019-08-02Registro en:
SILVA, Janmille Valdivino da. Perspectivas socioeconômicas da violência sexual no Brasil: dinâmica e níveis de associações causais. 2019. 198f. Tese (Doutorado em Saúde Coletiva) - Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Silva, Janmille Valdivino da
Sexual violence has a major impact on individuals, families and society in general. In addition
to being a violation of human rights, it causes profound damage to physical, sexual,
reproductive, emotional, mental and social well-being. However, due to their nature, their
occurrence and impacts are often veiled, resulting in a significant underestimation of the actual
level of damage caused. This type of injury has been registered in all countries, but the issue is
still little investigated in developing countries. In this perspective, this paper aimed to know,
from a conceptual and epidemiological point of view, the situation of sexual violence in Brazil,
analyze its evolution over the years and its association with contextual characteristics and social
inequities. To do so, this study was developed from six different designs in order to contemplate
as much as possible the strands that involve such a complex phenomenon. In the first study a
conceptual essay on sexual violence was carried out. In the other studies, an epidemiological
approach was adopted using ecological designs with different statistical models. As for the units
of analysis, individual data were used, from the municipalities and Brazilian federal units. The
results analyzed in all the studies were the occurrence of sexual violence, in different
calculations, with data collected by the Violence and Accident Surveillance System (VIVA)
and / or National System of Public Security and Criminal Justice Statistics (SINESPJC). The
independent variables used were individual characteristics collected by VIVA; contextual
characteristics related to education, economic, social and employment conditions extracted
from the Brazilian Census; and contextual variables related to health services, social services
and public safety, obtained respectively from the National Registry of Health Establishments
(CNES), the Public Health Information System (SIOPS), the Census of the Single Social
Assistance System SUAS) and the Brazilian Yearbooks of Public Security. Descriptive
analyzes, mean comparisons, multilevel Poisson analysis, multiple linear regression analysis
for panel data, inequality analysis and multiple linear regression were performed. The results
point to an unequal gender structure in Brazilian society, with a male hegemonic pattern that
establishes behaviors and social positions, which has favored sexual violence. As for the
associated factors, both individual and contextual characteristics are related to sexual violence,
observing a strong contextual effect, at the level of federative units. The records of sexual
violence were more prevalent in Brazilian municipalities and federative units with better
socioeconomic conditions. These records varied over the years 2010 to 2014 between the
Brazilian federal units, with an overall increase over the years. In the same period there was an
improvement in the indicators of economic and social conditions in the Brazilian states and
municipalities, with the highest records of sexual violence associated with the best living
conditions in all years. There was an increase in the inequality of the rate of notifications of
sexual violence as a function of household income and HDI. There was a reversal in the reports
of sexual violence structured by social inequality in Brazil. There was an increase in the
reporting rate of sexual violence, which was accompanied by a simultaneous increase in
reporting inequality. Rates of records of sexual violence vary according to the registration
system. In general, the police system recorded more sexual violence than the health services
system. There is considerable underreporting of sexual violence in the VIVA system, especially
in the southern region of the country and in small towns. However, in some federative units,
the VIVA registry is more efficient in capturing sexual violence than the police system. Contextual factors are also associated with sub-registration of sexual violence in different
information systems on the subject. It is concluded that more incisive gender equality policies
backed by the reduction of structural violence are still necessary in Brazil to confront sexual
violence. In addition, guarantees of basic rights, such as education and income, are also needed,
both to reduce the statistics of the problem and to improve the registration of this grievance in
the national information systems. More equitable income distribution and increased social
development are also relevant factors in combating sexual violence in the country. Finally, it is
understood that for the construction of more assertive health policies in the fight against sexual
violence, it is necessary to compile information from different sources, considering that there
is currently a considerable underreporting of the VIVA system, the main governmental tool of
situational analysis of violence in the country.