O ensino de desenho em um espaço não formal: a prática docente no atelier do Núcleo de Arte e Cultura da UFRN
2018-12-07Registro en:
SILVA, Ícaro Pereira da. O ensino de desenho em um espaço não formal: a prática docente no atelier do Núcleo de Arte e Cultura da UFRN. 2018. 85f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Licenciatura em Artes Visuais) - Departamento de Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Silva, Ícaro Pereira da
The present work is proposed to investigate about the teaching of drawing in the course of Introduction to the Artistic Drawing and to register the teaching action carried out in this space. The chosen space for the research is the Atelier of Arts, at the Center of Art and Culture, located in the Centro de Convivência, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, which is characterized as a non-formal teaching environment. The project presents the definitions and characteristics of non-formal educational spaces and describes the public that seeks this kind of space for drawing learning. In addition, it also includes the lesson plans drawn up for the drawing course, in partnership with trainee Ana Rita Morim Peixoto, who studied the Curriculum Internship in Visual Arts III component and who kindly shared his ideas with me, as well as personal notes about the results of the classes and the references researched for the creation of these plans.