Fatores que afetam o interesse de compra de produtos orgânicos em supermercados de Manaus/AM
2006-05-19Registro en:
GALVÃO, Anísia Karla de Lima. Factors affeting the purchase interest of orgnizic products in supermarkets of the Manaus/AM. 2006. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estratégia; Qualidade; Gestão Ambiental; Gestão da Produção e Operações) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2006.
Galvão, Anísia Karla de Lima
Demand for organic foods in the Brazil are growing year last, characterizing itself for if constituting in a new strategical segment of commercialization. In this context, the objective of this research was to investigate the factor that influence the interest of the consumers in the purchase decision of organic products, aiming to characterize the level of competitiveness of these products, assisting in the creation of environmental strategies for the development of the activity and contributing in the increment of the knowledge about the subject, that can assist it in the increase of the commercialization and the consumption of these foods. From data collected in the city of Manaus/AM, it was used a survey research, of exploratory and descriptive character. The sample was obtained using 421 questionnaires, in which was realized the descriptive analysis, analysis of groupings and association analysis among variables using the test qui-square. The results found in this study indicate that the majority the of consumers of supermarkets of the Manaus/AM never to purchase organic foods. Generally the consumers to have few or some knowledge about these foods, however, the level of the interest in to obtain information about the subject is high.The barriers mains in the purchase of organic products are the label fault in the product and the quality no certificate in the product. Among the profile characteristics, the variables income and level scholar are associate to interest level in the obtain information about the subject