dc.contributorCabral, Breno Guilherme de Araújo Tinoco
dc.contributorMartins, Felipe José Aidar
dc.contributorDias, Maria Aparecida
dc.contributorDantas, Paulo Moreira Silva
dc.contributorCosta, Roberto Fernandes da
dc.creatorSilva, Leandro Medeiros da
dc.identifierSILVA, Leandro Medeiros da. Proposição e validação de aparelho automatizado para verificação de velocidade de membros superiores em crianças e adolescentes. 2018. 87f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe sport of income is defined by details that determine results. For this, the studies on the processes of orientation and selection of talents for the sport have become increasingly specific. Understanding the velocity of upper limbs as one of those fundamental specificities for the outcome in certain sports modalities, the work in question aims to validate the ability of automated device checking, to verify the velocity of upper limbs in children and adolescents. Thus, 144 students participated in the validation study, and in the cross-validation 75 students, between 8 and 17 years of both sexes in a social project in the city of Natal / RN. The Automated Tapping Test (AATT) was developed following the dimensions of the original EUROFIT test, built in metal parts, so that the calibration was more accurate and could be read as an electronic signal by the integrated circuit. The upper limb velocity test was applied in three steps: before performing the original test, all participants underwent a laterality check, and motor practice similar to the original test. After 30 minutes, the first step in the pattern established by the Eurofit test battery was performed and 30 minutes later, the third stage, with the automated tapping test (AATT). After an interval of three months, the tests were reapplied in the same validation parameters. In order to perform cross-validation. The mean comparison test did not identify a significant difference between the two validation methods (p = 0.647) and (p = 0.128) for cross validation. The reliability of automated instrument measurement was tested by intraclass correlation (CCI) and identified a strong intraclass correlation coefficient (CCI) of (R = 0.901) for validation and (R = 0.943) for cross validation. It was possible to observe the flight time (67.84% of the total time) and touch on the metal plates (32.15% of the total time). Variables that are not possible to observe in the original model. Finally, the automated Tapping Test, presented to be precise to what it is proposed to evaluate, being able to minimize the intra-evaluator error and to assist physical education professionals in the sports field in the organization and planning of their training, as well as in the evaluation and orientation of the talents sports.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectavaliação motora
dc.subjectGolpeio de placas
dc.subjectTapping test
dc.subjectVelocidade de membros superiores
dc.titleProposição e validação de aparelho automatizado para verificação de velocidade de membros superiores em crianças e adolescentes

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