Entre gatas, demônias, flores e darma: atravessamentos de gênero em cenas musicais natalenses de rock
2020-09-25Registro en:
BARBOSA, Karina Moritzen. Entre gatas, demônias, flores e darma: atravessamentos de gênero em cenas musicais natalenses de rock . 2020. 148f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Mídia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Barbosa, Karina Moritzen
This research investigates the participation of bands composed exclusively by women in
independent rock music scenes in Natal/RN during three different decades that were influenced
by transformations of media and the feminist movement: 1960 (second wave), 2000 (third
wave) and 2010 (fourth wave). The second wave marked a revitalization of the movement with
the famous contributions of Simone de Beauvoir; the third brought up the claims of feminists
from the margins to the centre (HOOKS, 2019; LUGONES, 2019; CARNEIRO, 2019) and the
fourth marks the influence of digital media on the popularisation of the feminist discourse
(PARRY et. al., 2019). Applying the music scenes concept developed by Will Straw (1991),
just like the interpretations of Brazilian researchers such as Jeder Janotti Jr. (2013), Simone
Pereira de Sá (2011; 2013), Luciana Xavier de Oliveira (2018) e Tobias Queiroz (2019), this
thesis builds a panorama that crosses independent rock music scenes active in the city of Natal,
highlighting bands composed exclusively by women. It attempts to understand the reason for
gender disparity between the quantity of men and women musicians active in these music
scenes. Through a historical revision of the arrival of rock in Natal that dates back to the 1950’s
until present day, it identifies bands composed exclusively by women and their members are
interviewed qualitatively so that an analysis inside the categories “relationship with music”,
“relationship with feminism”, and “relationship with the music scene” can be developed. The
categories are in synch with the theories of gender, feminism and cultural studies about women
and rock in order to better understand the mediations that impact and challenge their existence
in rock music scenes. This work’s goal is reached through non-structured interviews that were
performed with seventeen women. They are members of the bands studied in depth: As Gatas,
active in 1966; Darma, in 2005; Flor de Nis and demonia in 2017. Beyond them, one of the
musicians of the Peraltas active in the 1960’s and two organisers of the Girls on X festival are
also a part of this research. The interviews were collected in different ways to better reach the
aforementioned women, such as in person, through Skype, e-mail and Whatsapp. The analysis
of the content was oriented by Bardin (1971), alongside with the basis discussed in the
theoretical foundation. The mediations that cross women’s existences in music scenes, their
first experiences as musicians (LEONARD, 2007; BAYTON, 2005a; BAYTON, 2005b;
COHEN, 2005; MCROBBIE, 2005) and their contact with feminism are discussed to guide the
analysis that was developed.