Novas e velhas relaçoes de trabalho na fábrica mais moderna do Brasil: o caso do polo automotivo Jeep em Goiana-PE (2015-2016)
2017-03-10Registro en:
NEVES, Taynara de Carvalho. Novas e velhas relaçoes de trabalho na fábrica mais moderna do Brasil: o caso do polo automotivo Jeep em Goiana-PE (2015-2016). 2017. 119f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
Neves, Taynara de Carvalho
This research proposes a discussion among the theories dedicated to understanding the phenomenon of labor relations within the Jeep automotive hub, located in the city of Goiana-PE. Such attempts have been sought to construct an approach in order to think from the transformations of the accumulation regime and its implications on the lives of factory workers. The study at first verified the changes of the automobile industry with regard to the organization of work in the passage from Fordism to Toyotism. Within the regime of flexible accumulation, companies start to demand new skills from their workers, knowledge, communication and cooperation play a fundamental role in the production line. In order to understand how the organization of production and work in the Jeep automotive pole is carried out, the characteristics of a flexible worker who lives for work, polyvalent and proactive, has been identified. In order to meet the objectives proposed in this study, we used the qualitative method of analysis, through in-depth interviews with factory workers. The choice of this method made it possible to verify the daily reality of the workers, so that they could relate a little of their social experiences, the work routine and their life histories. It was thus verified, old and new forms of exploitation, in which the subjectivity of the worker happens to be also incorporated in this factory process.