Rosana Paulino: representação da mulher afro-brasiliera
2018Registro en:
MONTEIRO, Kyvia Kelly dos Santos. Rosana Paulino: representação da mulher afro-brasileira. 2018. 67 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Licenciatura em Artes Visuais) - Departamento de Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Monteiro, kyvia kelly dos santos monteiro
The inspiration for this research is to understand, through the works produced by the contemporary artist Rosana Paulino, the place that black women occupy in brazilian society and its relationship with the formation of the social structure, rooted in the extreme enslaving, racist and sexist past, that influences the development of black descendants. In additionto this social, racial and gender intent, it is seen how intersectional feminism intervenes usefully by thinking of the plurality of women and making the thematic cutting of black feminism from writers like Djamila Ribeiro, Sueli Carneiro, Lélia Gonzales and Angela Davis. These aspects are notoriously found in the art of Paulino, specifically in the works Assentamento (2013) e Bastidores (1997), which are analyzed in this research since it changes these facts of reality and transfigures them into inquiries and denunciations. The objective way in which the artist transmits her message in her productions using the most varied languages, such as installations, engraving, photography and collages, makes the process concise and proper of contemporary art.