Curta-metragem: Condenado
2021-09-13Registro en:
SILVA, Jessé Fernando Vieira da. Curta-metragem: Condenado. 2021. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Monografia), Departamento de Comunicação Social, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Silva, Jessé Fernando Vieira
This project manages the making of the short film “Condenado”, introducing, through a production report, a reflection on references and techniques and aesthetic choices used in its development. The narrative tells the story of Guilherme, a young man who is about to meet his friends to go to a party, when suddenly, in the course of the night, he is chased by an entity that is destined to murder him. Guilherme's only desire is to survive this nightmare.