Metodologia para seleção de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto para pequenos municípios do semiárido brasileiro
2022-07-15Registro en:
COSTA, Raissa Nathércia Fernandes. Metodologia para seleção de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto para pequenos municípios do semiárido brasileiro. 2022. 19f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Civil) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Costa, Raissa Nathércia Fernandes
The precariousness of sewage services, especially in relation to the treatment and final disposal of effluents, constitutes the reality of many Brazilian cities. In the semi-arid region, the situation is worsened, mainly in small municipalities, strongly affected by the climate issue and with low economic and social indicators. In face of the technical and financial limitations, treatment solutions for the semi-arid region need to be simple and low-cost. In addition, considering the common impossibility of disposing the effluents in bodies of water in this region, reuse solutions are quite relevant as a final disposal. Thus, this work aims to develop a method for selecting alternatives for the sewage treatment and final disposal in small municipalities in the Brazilian semiarid region. For this, seven alternatives of sewage treatment and disposal systems were first set up using technologies suitable for the needs of the semi-arid region: waste stabilization ponds; constructed wetlands; UASB reactor and land disposal (slow rate infiltration and rapid infiltration). Then, the systems were evaluated according to 12 pre-selected criteria with economic, technical, social and environmental characteristics. This assessment was used to create a decision guidance matrix, which exposes the criteria on a scale from “least favorable” to “most favorable” in relation to the proposed systems, simplifying the process of choosing among them. In view of this matrix, the alternative facultative ponds + maturation ponds + slow rate infiltration obtained the highest number of positive criteria and the highest score, while the alternative composed of UASB reactor + subsurface flow Wetlands + slow rate infiltration was the one with the lowest score.