Estudo do planejamento do Festival Halleluya em Natal/RN: percepção de organizadores de um evento religioso artístico
2022-07-11Registro en:
DANTAS, Yngrid Stephannye Lourenço. Estudo do planejamento do Festival Halleluya em Natal/RN: percepção de organizadores de um evento religioso artístico. 2022. 59f. Monografia (Graduação em Turismo) - Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Dantas, Yngrid Stephannye Lourenço
The Halleluya Festival is an integrated and religious arts event, which takes place in some cities in Brazil, being Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte, one of them. This is an event that takes place every year at the end of December at the same time as Carnatal, but from 2020 to 2021 there was no edition due to the pandemic context. In this context, the general objective of the present work is to analyze the perception of some organizers of religious-artistic events based on the planning of the Halleluya Festival in Natal - RN. As for the methodology adopted, it is descriptive-exploratory, as for the research objectives, with a qualitative approach through questionnaires applied with the two main managers of the organization of the event and the treatment of data is carried out with the analysis of the content of these questionnaires. The results showed that the planning for Halleluya starts 10 to 8 months before its event, having monthly meetings that every time the event approaches, it becomes fortnightly and weekly. For fundraising, cultural incentive laws are used and social networks are used for their dissemination. Regarding the growth and impact of the Halleluya Festival between 2009 and 2019 in the city of Natal, it is an event that has gained space in the adhesion of people interested in the festival, moving the city's economy. From the perspective of planning the next edition of Halleluya that takes place in 2022, it was found that it cannot be carried out with restricted measures, so it was not carried out in 2021, but there are great expectations for the festival to be held. It's concluded that Halleluya is an event with different roles of the organizing committee that is working to have a new edition in 2022, also influencing tourist activity, since there are caravans from inland cities and other nearby states that come to the event.