Situação geográfica e agricultura urbana e periurbana na Região Metropolitana de Natal/RN
2022-03-23Registro en:
CÂMARA, Iury Antônio Medeiros Palácio da. Situação geográfica e agricultura urbana e periurbana na Região Metropolitana de Natal/RN. 2022. 204f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2022.
Câmara, Iury Antônio Medeiros Palácio da
The rational practice of Urban Agriculture (AU) can provide a certain balance to the
urban ecosystem, in addition to offering occupation and income, especially for part of
the population with greater social vulnerability. Despite being such an important topic,
its presence among Geography studies is not common, due to the majority of
academic productions considering that modern urban-industrial development
eliminates all traditional practices of the rural world, in the face of urban expansion.
However, it is clear that the analyzes cannot disregard the typical manifestations of
the rural world in the intra-urban space, such as the practices of urban agriculture.
The empirical focus of the research corresponds to the Metropolitan Region of Natal,
using it as a fact and a tool, which allows the understanding and analysis of
integrated planning, as well as the spatiality of the phenomenon in its entirety, from
its own methodology, allowing identify areas where urban agriculture is practiced. It
seeks to analyze the phenomenon in its territorial dimension, since the territory
presents itself as a fundamental analytical concept for approaching reality. As the
territory is equivalent to the portion of the geographic space that coincides with the
spatial extension of the jurisdiction of a government, the regulations of urban areas in
the municipalities do not consider the heterogeneity of the territory, used by several
agents of the urban space, including uses of agricultural nature, thus, there is a
transformation from agricultural to urban land use. In view of this, we seek to
understand the contents of the forms highlighted as urban and peri-urban, due to the
contradiction existing in the uses of these spaces parallel to the norms that define
them. Thus, it reflects on what influences the norms of the territory exert on the
practice of urban agriculture, trying to understand it in its totality, as well as the role of
the producing agents of the urban space in the face of this activity. It is understood
that agricultural practices in cities are linked to temporary crops and permanent crops
of various species of vegetables, also including animal husbandry, but, above all, the
production of vegetables in the NMR stands out. In view of this scenario, conflicts
arise about the urban perimeters that are inserted in the agricultural production
areas, involving the delimitations of the master plans that do not consider the uses
for urban agriculture in the territory, influencing the dynamics of the territorial
configuration and on the agriculture that has been developed. in these areas. In this
way, it investigates how urban agriculture integrates the ecosystem of cities, using
various services of the urban network while providing its productions for food supply.
Furthermore, it is emphasized that the social organization of urban farmers needs
strengthening and greater recognition by segments of society and the State so that
plans and programs are proposed to strengthen Urban Agriculture. Therefore, the
geographic discussion around this theme is fundamental to understand the
specificities analyzed from this situation, revealing the importance of Geography to
analyze Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in the RMN.