dc.contributorAssunção, Amanda Borges de Albuquerque
dc.contributorAssunção, Amanda Borges de Albuquerque
dc.contributorSteppan, Adriana Isabel Backes
dc.contributorBorges, Gilmara Mendes da Costa
dc.creatorMatias, Victor Hugo Braga
dc.identifierMATIAS, Victor Hugo Braga. Análise da eficiência dos indicadores de mercado de ações aplicados às empresas do segmento petroquímico da bolsa de valores brasileira. 2020. 73 f. Monografia (Graduação em Ciências Contábeis) - Curso de Ciências Contábeis, Departamento de Ciências Contábeis, Centro de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
dc.description.abstractGroups of indicators are necessary for a fundamentalist analysis to be formulated, among these groups there is one that is of great use for shareholder investors called stock market indicators, or even market multiples, providing the analysis and comparability of similar companies inserted in a given segment of operation. Based on this proposal of market index analysis, the objective of this research was to identify how efficient these indicators can be in predicting results related to the convergence with the results of these indexes for the year 2019, through the application in companies listed in the petrochemical segment of B3 (Brazil, Stock Exchange, Counter). For this purpose, the quarterly financial statements published between 2014 and 2019 of the three listed companies, Braskem, Elekeiroz and GPC Participações, were used, where from the data collected from these statements, in addition to information and data obtained through administrative reports, it was possible to calculate the indexes, and prepare an interpretative graphic-numeric and statistical analysis, through the arithmetic mean of some indicators and consequently a performance projection for the year 2019. In the performance classification among the companies, four of the six indicators (66%), showed convergence between what was predicted and what was observed in 2019, they were the Asset Value per Share, Price/ Asset Value, Dividend Payout and Dividend Yield and from this result one can conclude that there was a reasonable forecasting efficiency.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherCiências Contábeis
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Brazil
dc.subjectAnálise fundamentalista
dc.subjectIndicadores de mercado
dc.subjectDemonstrações contábeis
dc.subjectAnálise de índices
dc.subjectSegmento petroquímico
dc.subjectFundamental analysis
dc.subjectMarket indicators
dc.subjectAccounting Statements
dc.subjectIndex analysis
dc.subjectPetrochemical segment
dc.titleAnálise da eficiência dos indicadores de mercado de ações aplicados às empresas do segmento petroquímico da bolsa de valores brasileira

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