Quanto custa à cidade um megaevento esportivo?: configuração espacial, obras da copa de 2014 e efeitos na precificação imobiliária na região metropolitana de Natal/Brasil
2019-05-27Registro en:
NASCIMENTO, Rodrigo Costa do. Quanto custa à cidade um megaevento esportivo?: configuração espacial, obras da copa de 2014 e efeitos na precificação imobiliária na região metropolitana de Natal/Brasil. 2019. 382f. Tese (Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Nascimento, Rodrigo Costa do
In cities the interrelations between locations, functionally varied sectors, attractors and satisfactions,
made possible by the set of barriers and permeabilities, are presented as factors of real property
pricing, representation and monetary recomposition of the value and circulation of capital. As a system
articulated between objects, actions and flows space assumes configurational properties or
protagonists nowadays supporting economic interests that convert it into a commodity. Its
accessibility potential - property that, independent of attractors, allows to overcome barriers to the
exchange of goods, services and information - influence processes of real estate price resizing
sometimes subject to interference from large infrastructures with urban impact. In this context, the
interventions of mega-events - the Great Urban Projects (GPUs) - that generate spatial ruptures are
able to give monetary answers to the urban space. In the Metropolitan Region of Natal / RN (RMNatal),
as well as in other Brazilian ones, the prospect of the 2014 World Cup event generated configurational
changes to the point of redefining accessibility levels as well as real estate prices in central and
expansion areas. This thesis seeks to understand the influence of spatial configuration and accessibility
on real estate prices in areas affected by 2014 World Cup works in the urban area and part of the
metropolitan area of Natal. It presents the premise that relations between spatial accessibility and
location interfere more in real estate pricing in areas of intense centrality such as Lagoa Nova, where
capital flows continuously, than the Arena das Dunas’s presence. On the other hand, in the expansion
areas, such as in São Gonçalo do Amarante / RN where the Aluízio Alves Airport was established, land
prices do not seem to respond directly to the combination space accessibility x location, since the
capital is still in initial process of circulation, which shows greater dependence on the spatial impacts
of the airport. Property survey results have resulted in the appraisal values (prices) of apartments,
houses and land (Lagoa Nova) and lots (São Gonçalo do Amarante) between the years 2012 and 2016.
Considering space as an independent (acting) and dependent (resulting) variable, we use the Space
Social Logic (LSE) - a branch of morphology dedicated to the study of space-society relations - and
Space Syntax Analysis (ASE) techniques of graphical and quantitative readings for spatial analysis - to
understand relations between topological accessibility of spatial configuration, works of great impact
(attractors) and real estate pricing, applying measures of integration and choice in linear and
segmental representations. Integration refers to the centrality of a set of accessible axes and choice to
how chosen a line fragment is, between a source and a destination, through the potential of
betweenness. Such measures have helped to interpret whether high prices are related to more
accessible (integration) routes on origin-destination routes and / or if they are linked to the most
interstitials with high potential of crossing, but not too far from the works of impact. The results
confirm the pricing of apartments and houses (both between 01 and 03 bedrooms) as well as of land
in Lagoa Nova, related to the overlap between origin-destination (movement for as integration) and
crossing (or between) routes of the main routes of the road network, confirming the space
protagonism independent of the presence of the arena. In São Gonçalo do Amarante, standard lands
of 200 m² - of average price ranges - seem to be priced in subdivisions close to the main axis of
integration and choice - highway BR 406 - that provides access between Natal and the airport, while
more expensive lots tend to be located in systems of intense crossing, or in very reserved sectors (of
intermediate and low measures of integrations and choice), pointing to a possible shared protagonism
between the magnetism of the airport, that stimulated the appearance of spatial expansions, and the
potential accessibility / crossing of the highway.