Lei Maria da Penha: uma análise da efetividade do eixo socioeducativo no Rio Grande do Norte
2018-05-14Registro en:
SILVA, Mikarla Gomes da. Lei Maria da Penha: uma análise da efetividade do eixo socioeducativo no Rio Grande do Norte. 2018. 176f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Silva, Mikarla Gomes da
The dissertation aims to analyze and reflect the Maria da Penha Law and the socioeducational devices arranged in Rio Grande do Norte. For this, methodologically, the
work constitutes a qualitative research based on the analysis of the text of the Law, as
well as of the documents and programs produced by the state of Potiguar in the socioeducational axis. We seek to reflect not only what is written literally in the text of the
Law of Penha, but also its implications and interpretations through the effective
application or not of the attributions and measures foreseen in the document. From the
Law we evaluate how the programs under the perspective of the socio-educational axis
promote their actions in an attempt to think and identify their effectiveness in Rio Grande
do Norte.