Desenvolvimento de ferramenta para auxílio na seleção de métodos de elevação artificial
2018-05-25Registro en:
DEL CARRATORE, Pedro Ribeiro. Desenvolvimento de Ferramenta Para Auxílio na Seleção de Métodos de Elevação Artificial. 2018. 64 f. TCC (Graduação) - Curso de Engenharia de Petróleo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brasil, 2018.
Del Carratore, Pedro Ribeiro
It is currently estimated that over a million oil wells operate with some sort of artificial lift method, however, due to the large variety of systems available, it is important to carry out a study so that the most appropriate method is chosen for each well taking into account parameters such as expected liquids flow, depth, temperature and reservoir fluids properties, among others (HALLIBURTON, 2013). The following paper deals with the elaboration of an instrument capable of assisting in the process of selecting the most appropriate artificial lift method for each situation based on field, operational and economic data. Artificial lift selection guidelines, as well as economic data regarding the application of artificial lift methods, present in literature and in scientific publications by different authors were collected and jointly analyzed in order to create a simplified guide for determining the appropriate lift method through a problem developed with the Visual Basic for Applications programing language at the Microsoft Office Excel platform capable of automatically indicating, based on operational and economic data along with pertinence curves developed through fuzzy logic, among the main methods of artificial lift, which would be the most recommended for each situation and what other methods could also be applied.