Metodologia númerico-experimental para avaliação da espessura de filmes de nitreto de titânio obtidos por processamento a plasma
2015-03-02Registro en:
LIBÓRIO, Maxwell Santana. Metodologia númerico-experimental para avaliação da espessura de filmes de nitreto de titânio obtidos por processamento a plasma. 2015. 73f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
Libório, Maxwell Santana
In recent decades, changes in the surface properties of materials have been
used to improve their tribological characteristics. However, this improvement
depends on the process, treatment time and, primarily, the thickness of this surface
film layer. Physical vapor deposition (PVD) of titanium nitrate (TiN) has been used
to increase the surface hardness of metallic materials. Thus, the aim of the present
study was to propose a numerical-experimental method to assess the film thickness
(l) of TiN deposited by PVD. To reach this objective, experimental results of
hardness (H) assays were combined with a numerical simulation to study the
behavior of this property as a function of maximum penetration depth of the indenter
(hmax) into the film/substrate conjugate. Two methodologies were adopted to
determine film thickness. The first consists of the numerical results of the H x hmax
curve with the experimental curve obtained by the instrumental indentation test.
This methodology was used successfully in a TiN-coated titanium (Ti) conjugate. A
second strategy combined the numerical results of the Hv x hmax curve with Vickers
experimental hardness data (Hv). This methodology was applied to a TiN-coated
M2 tool steel conjugate. The mechanical properties of the materials studied were
also determined in the present study. The thicknesses results obtained for the two
conjugates were compatible with their experimental data.