dc.contributorNunes, Romilson de Lima
dc.contributorNunes, Romilson
dc.contributorAlbuquerque, Edmilson
dc.contributorSouza, Francisco Emílio Simplicio
dc.creatorNelo, Adriana Clementino
dc.identifierNELO, Adriana Clementino. Fatores que influenciam corredores a permanecerem em sua prática. 2015. 29f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Educação Física) - Departamento de Educação Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to describe factors that influence runners to continue practicing jogging. In order to consolidate it, multiple visits were made at the groups meeting spot and a questionnaire was distributed. The questionnaire was answered by the participants and, therefore, it could be verified which factors make runners to keep running. By analyzing the real motives of persisting in street running, a profile of these athletes was traced and the causes that contribute for them to keep running have been identified. The study group had 30 amateur runners: 20 male (ranging from 35 to 70 years old) and 10 female (35 to 60 years old). The motivation and the influence that make them keep going to training and to participate in competitions realized in the city of Natal were observed. It has been noticed that the East region has a higher concentration of runners that do street running, mostly male, married and with a familiar income equivalent of two minimum wage. It has also been observed that many go or have gone through high school. Many of them, even after studying and knowing the importance of checking themselves up with doctors, neglect the healthy evaluation, even though they are assiduous sportsmen. They have also neglected the presence of a professional (coach) in order to avoid possible complications.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherEducação Física
dc.subjectatividade física, corrida, saúde e lazer.
dc.subjectphysical activity, running and leisure
dc.titleFatores que influenciam corredores a permanecerem em sua prática

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