Recuperação de proteína do soro de queijo de coalho, por adsorção em leito expandido, utilizando resina de troca aniônica e catiônica
2012Registro en:
Santos, Everaldo Silvino dos
Cavalcanti, Jorge dos Santos
Soares, Jardelson César
Macedo, Gorete Ribeiro de
This work deals with recovery and purification of proteins whey by expanded bed adsorption using anionic resin Streamline® DEAEand cationic Streamline® SP. Initial experiments were carried out in order to investigate the adsorption of the whey protein to the resins using agitated tanks. Expanded bed adsorption used a column of 2.6 cm of diameter for 30 cm of height, connected to a peristaltic pump was used. A sample of whey solution (250 mL) was applied to a column containing the resin (25 mL) previously equilibrated with in Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0) with NaCl (1.0 M). After washing step (300 ml of Tris/HCl 50 mM, pH 7.0 with NaCl (1.0M)) elution was carried out in buffer Tris/HCl (50 mM, pH 7.0) at room temperature. The results showed that to agitated tanks it was possible to adsorb proteins to the three initial concentration used for both resins. The adsorbed quantity of proteins to the resin were of 249.2 mg/ml of adsorbent, 9.4 mg/ml of adsorbent and 14.4 mg/ml of adsorvent as well as de 291.0 mg/ml of adsorbent, 6.3 mg/ml of adsorbent and 3.9 mg/ml of adsorbent for Streamline® DEAE and Streamline® SP, respectively, that is about 71.6%, 6.8% and 21.8% and 83.6%, 4.6% and 5.9% of recovery of initial proteins for both Streamline® DEAE and Streamline® SP, respectively. Expanded bed experiments showed that is possible to recovery about 16% and 23%, respectively, for the two resins used using one step