Um olhar sobre as dimensões do programa tributo à criança: política social de (re)-inserção e permanência escolar?
2003Registro en:
PESSOA, Joseneide Souza. Um olhar sobre as dimensões do programa tributo à criança: política social de (re)-inserção e permanência escolar. 2003. 187f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2003.
Pessoa, Joseneide Souza
This dissertation approaches thematic of the minimum income expressed in the “Tributo à Criança” program, developed in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, and objectives to identify and to analyze the contribution of this social politics for the (re)-insertion and school permanence of child-adolescents. To uphold our inquiry, we use the technique of study of case, privileging collected Information by the professors, technician, mothers and the beneficiaries, mainly by means of comments direct, registered the Information in daily of field and interviews half- structuralized. In the analysis of the data, we trace a general picture on the dimensions (social, pedagogical-administrative, politician-financier) of the Tributo à Criança program, identifying the limits and/or possibilities that collaborate to reach such objective considered in this work. Based on this Information, we conduct the institutional drawing of the Tributo à Criança program, focusing the organizational aspects of its functioning. As the result of the development of the Tributo à Criança program, it showed limits aspects in the promotion of the (re)-insertion and school permanence of the taken care beneficiaries, caused by the own organizational structure of this social politics that do not prize for a more wide-ranging and lasting attendance, as well as, the aspects related to the educational politics, in which is not apt to act as mediating in the combat to the poverty, through the entailing with the minimum income. We can underline that the social actions of this politics takes care much more than a social matter of poverty, in a immediate way and the politicians appeals that gives a direction to the social practice, to a school question, without answering, therefore, the social purpose as foresaw the official regulation of the Tributo à Criança program.