dc.contributorMazaro, Rosana Mara
dc.creatorSantos, Noêmia Karolaine da Silva
dc.identifierSANTOS, Noêmia Karolaine da Silva. Turismo de aventura e a sua relação com a sustentabilidade: um estudo em Pipa/RN. 2019. 24f. Monografia (Graduação em Turismo) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
dc.description.abstractAdventure tourism is one of the segments that have a great demand of practitioners, due to the increasing search for an activity that is considered "ecologically correct" and being allied to new experiences, this segment emerges and manages to include these aspects among several others. Nowadays the growth of tourist activity has become in several localities the base of its local economy, the increase of this activity, carries several impacts, whether positive or negative. In the light of these facts, the general objective is to understand if the activities of adventure tourism meet the requirements of sustainability in the environmental dimension. This research is characterized as a study in the locality of Pipa/RN. Simple observation and participant observation were used as research techniques, and the data was collected through various documents and records, web sites, publications in newspapers and informative magazines, on-site visits and the practical experience of the activities. It was verified that Pipa has a variety of adventure activities, its main focus being the activities practiced on the ground, follo1wed by activities in the water and almost nonexistent activities practiced in the air. Although the locality is a destination that receives an expressive number of mass tourism, it has been noticed that there is the awareness of its residents, of the companies and projects that aim to propagate environmental education for its visitors. Since Pipa is part of a geographic context that is rich in natural resources, its fauna and flora, the concern with sustainability is a key element in its tourism competitiveness.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.subjectTurismo. Aventura. Sustentabilidade. Pipa.
dc.subjectTourism. Adventure. Sustainability. Pipa.
dc.titleTurismo de aventura e a sua relação com a sustentabilidade: um estudo em Pipa/RN

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