De que forma o uso dos aplicativos móveis pode auxiliar no interesse pela leitura de crianças dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental?
2019-08-08Registro en:
QUEIROZ, Renata Dos Santos. De que forma o uso dos aplicativos móveis pode auxiliar no interesse pela leitura de crianças dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental?. Caicó, RN: 2019. 45 f. Monografia (Licenciatura) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Centro de Ensino Superior do Seridó. Departamento de Educação.
Queiroz, Renata dos Santos
This monographic work deals with the use of technological objects in classes of Elementary School. Having as objective of understanding and analyzing how the use of zReader, a mobile application designed for use on low-cost technology objects, interactive tablets can help develop and increase interest in reading in a class of elementary school children in a public school of the system municipal of schools of the city of Caicó-RN. The study promotes theoretical dialogues with Oliveira (1997), Vigotski (2008), among others and theoretical-methodological from the ideas of Deslandes, Gomes and Minayo (2015) and Gil (2010). The results of this work provide a better understanding about the use of technological objects as a positive tool to improve reading and comprehension of texts.