Análise da influência do tempo de tela sobre os hábitos alimentares de escolares
2019-06-14Registro en:
SILVA, Ingride Mirely da. Análise da influência do tempo de tela sobre os hábitos alimentares de escolares. 2019. 52 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Nutrição) - Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde do Trairi, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Cruz, 2019.
Silva, Ingride Mirely da
This study aims to verify if the time spent on technology has influence on the eating habits of schoolchildren. The study was conducted with 319 children. The anthropometric nutritional status was evaluated through the Body Mass Index for age, while the food consumption was evaluated from a questionnaire applied with those responsible, in order to identify if the frequency that the interviewee consumed the food and drinks were lower or more than 5 times in the week and at the end of the week, both related to healthy eating and poorly recommended practices. Thus, it was observed that the nutritional status that most affected the students was eutrophy (69.3%) and overweight (16.6%), while obesity represented the lowest percentage (9.4%) followed by leanness ( 4.7%). Regarding the classification of the sample as a function of the time of exposure to the technology during the week and weekend, the time of exposure exceeds 60 minutes in both moments. When comparing the screen time during the week and the food consumption, it is obtained that those exposed > 60 minutes have a frequency of consumption of less than 5 times of raw salad (69.3%) and vegetables (69.6%). It was also verified that, the salty cracker is the food product that presented the highest consumption among the ultraprocessed ones evaluated. It is concluded that the food consumption is related to the time of the screen and may be influencing the nutritional status and focusing, especially, in the school stage.