Impacto da urbanização nas temperaturas do ar e de superfície da região metropolitana de Fortaleza
2019-02-25Registration in:
CORREA, Marcele de Jesus. Impacto da urbanização nas temperaturas do ar e de superfície da região metropolitana de Fortaleza. 2019. 97f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Climáticas) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
Correa, Marcele de Jesus
The Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza, in the state of Ceará, has an approximate population of
4.051 million inhabitants, more than half of this population is concentrated in Fortaleza. The
increase in urban population has generated anxieties about the study of local and regional
climate change in an attempt to understand the relationship between anthropogenic activities
and possible changes in climate. In this way, the general objective of this research was to
investigate the impact of urbanization on the air and surface temperatures of the Metropolitan
Region of Fortaleza-CE (urban station) and Jaguaruana (rural station) for the period from 1980
to 2017. The dissertation is in In the first section, the purpose of this paper was to evaluate the
applicability of three fault-filling methodologies in two meteorological stations in the State of
Ceará. In order to reach the objective, data of the maximum and minimum mean air temperature
of meteorological stations of the National Institute of Meteorology and the variables of
maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity of the air, radiation and wind speed
were used on a regular basis (~ 25 x 25 km) coming from weather stations arranged over Brazil.
The statistical methods multiple linear regression, Multivariate Imputation by Chained
algorithm, Box-Jenkins model and the statistical errors (mean absolute error and root mean
squared error) were used. The results showed that the multiple regression methods and the BoxJenkins model presented a difference in the mean of the statistical errors of 0.13 ° C and 0.08 °
C for the mean absolute error and root mean square error, respectively, for the Maximum
temperature. E of 0.03 ° C and 0.02 ° C for the mean absolute error and root mean square error,
respectively, for the minimum temperature. These results were smaller than the mean error
difference between the Box-Jenkins model and the Multivariate Imputation by Chained
algorithm, whose difference was 0.47 ° C and 0.50 ° C for the mean absolute error and root
mean square error , respectively, to the maximum temperature. E of 0.44 ° C and 0.51 ° C for
the mean absolute error and root mean square error, respectively, for the minimum temperature.
Additionally, considering the assumptions of normality and independence of the residues, the
Box-Jenkins model was more effective when compared to the other models for the process of
forecasting data absent from climatological series. In the second article, the objective was to
investigate the relationship between air and surface temperatures with the process of
urbanization and land use and coverage. In this way, the data of average maximum air
temperature and minimum, from the Box-Jenkins approach, for the period from 1980 to 2017 and satellite images of the Landsat 5-Thematic Mapper and Landsat 8-Operational Lande
Imager / Thermal Infrared Sensor for the months of July 2006 and August 2017, respectively.
In order to reach the objective, the parametric (Simple Linear Regression) and non-parametric
(Mann-Kendall and Theil-Sen) methods were used to investigate the tendency of air
temperature in the urban (Metropolitan of Fortaleza) and rural (Jaguaruana) ; maximum
likelihood-supervised classification method for land use change and land cover (Land Use Land
Cover); steps of the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for land method associated with the
radiation balance were used to obtain the Land Surface Temperature estimation. The results
obtained for the air temperature showed that: (i) a positive linear trend was observed in the
mean maximum temperature for the urban station of 0.32°C / decade, while for the rural season,
the trend was positive for the mean minimum temperature, but not statistically significant; (ii)
the urbanization effect in relation to the mean maximum temperature between urban and rural
stations was 0.15°C / decade, with a 46% contribution from urbanization; (iii) For surface
temperature, in 2017 the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza and Jaguaruana presented an
increase in areas whose temperature was higher than 34°C, which corroborates the increase in
the area of soil exposed in both regions between 2006 and 2017, verified on the Land Use Land
Cover rating. Overall, urbanization has impacted on the increase in the maximum air
temperature trend in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza and the establishment of a warmer
regional climate pattern observed in the higher surface temperature and in the expansion of
urban areas.