Estética e metafísica da luz em Marsilio Ficino
2021-01-19Registro en:
SILVA, Leila Maria de Jesus da. Estética e metafísica da luz em Marsilio Ficino. 2021. 323f. Tese (Doutorado em Filosofia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Silva, Leila Maria de Jesus da
Marsilio Ficino's philosophy is marked by a predominantly binding aspect, in which all
themes come together in a single movement: from good to good. The objective of this
research is to demonstrate how in this whole process the theme of light represents the link that
crosses and unites all the aesthetics and metaphysics of the fiorentino master under three
perspectives that are revealed both in his way of expressing the world and in your conception
of it or interact with it. Firstly, it is intended to show that the philosopher of light assumes
poetic rationality as an adequate instrument for the interpretation of his original cosmology.
Later, it develops from the recovery of fictional figures from the mythological figures of the
three graces, - the Beauty (Pulchritudo), the Love (Amor) and the Pleasure (Voluptas) - the
way in which light seems to trigger the dance of the universe, marked by the intense dialectic
of the lover (Creature) and the beloved (Creator). The present investigation concludes by
approaching the solar therapy proposed by Ficino, as a symbol of the human capacity to
recognize in the mirror of the world, and in itself, the splendor of the divine face.