dc.contributorRamalho, Ivone Priscilla de Castro
dc.contributorRamalho, Ivone Priscilla de Castro
dc.contributorReis , Mônica Karina Santos
dc.contributorSouza , Louize Gabriela Silva de
dc.creatorSilva, Deusimária Severo da
dc.identifierSILVA. Deusimária Severo da. O Lúdico e sua importância na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. 2018.Monografia (Licenciatura) - Curso de Graduação em Pedagogia, Centro de Educação, UFRN, Currais Novos, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this study is to discuss the importance of playfulness in the pedagogical practices of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) as a possibility to make them more meaningful. The research seeks to answer the following question: How can playfulness contribute to rethinking pedagogical practices in EJA? The relevance of this research is justified by the fact that ludicity is a topic not explored in the context of the EJA and to favor the critical reflection on the problem of this in contemporary society, in the sense of conceiving the public of this modality of teaching as subjects of rights. In the development of the work, a bibliographical research was done on the socio-historical context of Youth and Adult Education in Brazil and on the importance of play as a cultural activity inherent to the human being, highlighting their contributions to this educational context. The final considerations evidenced that play education is of fundamental importance for the said modality of education, since it is an inherent practice to the human being in all phases of life, which can not be neglected in the pedagogical practices of this educational context, mainly for stimulating and favoring the search for learning, by awakening young people and adults to engage with enthusiasm in the construction of knowledge. Therefore, the present study points to the need for a greater theoretical and practical depth so that play education can be seen as a punctual strategy in the curricular policies and practices of this educational scenario. As theoretical basis, we use the following authors: Capucho (2012); Pierro, Joia and Ribeiro (2001); Paiva (2004); Arroyo (2006); Almeida (2013); Kraemer (2010).
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.subjectPedagogical practices
dc.subjectEducação Lúdica
dc.subjectPráticas Pedagógicas
dc.subjectSujeitos de Direitos
dc.subjectRights subjects
dc.subjectLeisure Education
dc.titleO Lúdico e a sua importância na Educação de Jovens e E Adultos

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