Relatos de uma vida
2015-12-14Registro en:
NUNES, Maria das Graças Carlos. Relatos de uma vida. 2015. 38 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Pedagogia), Departamento de Práticas Educacionais e Currículo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
Nunes, Maria das Graças Carlos
This academic Memorial Pedagogy course titled: "AN LIFE STORIES" use me of autobiographical narratives. In it I wonder about the important points of my life in a way that takes me back to a past that belongs to me, but in an organized manner and not as flash, reminding reflective mode since my childhood, to my academic background, with the goal relive memories that will help me in analyzing and choosing the professional that I intend to make myself as an educator. In it I talk about my childhood memories, the importance of family, the bullying suffered as a black girl, the joys and the sorrows that rather than weaken me strengthened me. But to write this memorial sought in theoretical as Amarilha (1997), which educates me of the importance of fairy tales forchildren; Ferrreiro (1995), which states that children are not mere apprentices, but builders of their knowledge; Freire (1996), About teach with criticality; Galvão (1998), who discusses the importance of the affectivity in the development and learning process; Snayders (1988), about the constraints faced by children in schools
and; Fante (2005), which reflects on the bullying phenomenon, among others. These references enabled me
to support the discussion and reflection of the reports of my life story. At the end of this amazing experience in my life I conclude the importance of the memorial to the formation of the teaching professional, the way that leads us to look and analyze critically what is or is not valid as a teaching strategy, taking as parameter our the learnings and experiences.