dc.creatorBezerra, Claudionor Gomes
dc.creatorCottam, Michael G.
dc.identifierBEZERRA, Claudionor Gomes; COTTAM, Michael G.. Surface and bulk spin waves in magnetic superlattices with biquadratic exchange coupling. Journal Of Applied Physics, [S.L.], v. 91, n. 10, p. 7221, 2002. AIP Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1452202. Disponível em: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.1452202. Acesso em: 26 nov. 2021.
dc.descriptionA study is made of the bulk and surface spin wave modes propagating in magnetic superlattices that are composed of two simple cubic ferromagnetic materials which interact by bilinear and biquadratic exchange couplings at the interfaces. A transfer matrix treatment is employed with the calculations carried out for the exchange dominated regime within the framework of the Heisenberg model and taking into account the random phase approximation. The numerical results obtained show that from a certain value of the ratio R between the biquadratic and interfacial bilinear exchange couplings the surface acoustic modes are suppressed and only the optical modes are present
dc.publisherAmerican Institute of Physics Publishing
dc.subjectSurface spin
dc.subjectMagnetic superlattices
dc.subjectBilinear and biquadratic exchange
dc.subjectHeisenberg model
dc.titleSurface and bulk spin waves in magnetic superlattices with biquadratic exchange coupling

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