Jovens de negócios: análise dos critérios de noticiabilidade no quadro Plantão JN do canal do Youtube
2021-09-14Registro en:
CÂMARA, Fernando Henrique Rebouças da. Jovens de negócios: análise dos critérios de noticiabilidade no quadro Plantão JN do canal do Youtube. 2021. 42f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação em Jornalismo) - Centro de Ciências Humanas Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2021.
Câmara, Fernando Henrique Rebouças da
This research aims to analyze the newsworthiness criteria present in videos from the
Jovens de Negócios channel on YouTube. The research was carried out on an
intentional sample of videos from the Plantão JN on the channel, which addresses
issues related to financial education, a topic that generally has a formal language, but
which in this channel receives a young and relaxed look. For that, qualitative
research was carried out, through the analysis of videos. In addition, this work has a
theoretical approach that discusses journalism theories Traquina (2005), focusing on
newsworthiness criteria. The results indicate that the analyzed videos have elements
that confirm the existence of the newsworthiness criteria used in the research.