Um estudo do desempenho do método de entropia máxima generalizada na identificação de efeitos ativos em experimentos fatoriais sem réplicas
2018-06-25Registro en:
ALMEIDA, Ruanderson Cosme. Um estudo do desempenho do método de entropia máxima generalizada na identificação de efeitos ativos em experimentos fatoriais sem réplicas. 2018. 45 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Curso de Estatística, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Almeida, Ruanderson Cosme
In the study of the influence of factors in a process, one of the most used approaches is
based on unreplicated factorial experiments. It is common to use the normal probability
plot to analyze data from this type of experimental design, but there are controversies
about its use due to subjectivity and difficulty of interpretation, especially when the
magnitude of the effect is moderate. The Generalized maximum entropy and lenth’s
method are alternatives proposals to avoid this subjectivity. The objective of this work
is to evaluate the performance of the generalized maximum entropy method to identify
active effects in unreplicated factorial designs. A simulation study is done considering
an experiment with 16 treatments and different scenarios for quantity of active effects
and their respective magnitudes. For the evaluation of the performance of the generalized
maximum entropy method the type I and type II error percentages are used in comparison
with the Lenth method. The simulation results indicate that the generalized maximum
entropy approach facilitates the identification of active effects of moderate magnitude. In
addition, the performance of the method remains virtually unchanged when the amount
of active effects increases.