Proposta de um novo protocolo de reservas de hemocomponentes para cirurgias em um hospital universitário de Recife-Pernambuco
2018-10-09Registro en:
ALVES, Jussara de Lucena. Proposta de um novo protocolo de reservas de hemocomponentes para cirurgias em um hospital universitário de Recife-Pernambuco. 2018. 29f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Inovação em Saúde) - Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Alves, Jussara de Lucena
Blood transfusion is a complex procedure involving risks, which can be minimized through
activities to maintain process quality. For this, it is necessary to establish well-defined flows
to improve processes and minimize unnecessary expenses. The objective of this work is to
propose a new protocol for the reservation of blood components for surgeries in a university
hospital in Recife-PE. Initially, the work process related to transfusion and reserve of blood
components was mapped and, based on the 511 requests for blood transfusion-STS analyzed
between February and June 2018, it was possible to describe the indicators "Conformity of
STS", "Frequency of data missing in STS; and "Number of concentrates red cells-CH for
surgeries ". After this previous evaluation, we performed the construction of the protocol for
the reservation of blood components for surgeries. The critical points encountered in the
mapping were the STS completion and the excessive number of requested CHs returning to
the stock. It was verified that almost half of the cares studied were incomplete or shaved.
The most absent data in STS were age, laboratory results, weight, sex and patient location.
In the period studied, of the requests for CH reserves made, only 5.3% were used. This shows
a high number of blood requested unnecessarily. With the use of the protocol of reserve of
blood components for surgeries the expenses with the reserves would have fallen in 50%.
The use of the proposed protocol generates an economy with a direct impact on blood stock
levels, therefore, by making only the necessary reserves, less time and materials will be
wasted and especially fewer blood components will be handled unnecessarily, thus reducing
the risk of loss of this important asset that is human blood.