MEPIM: Middleware para Economia de Energia em Redes de Sensores sem Fios.
2018-06-26Registro en:
BERNARDO, Assis Lucas Romão. MEPIM: Middleware para Economia de Energia em Redes de Sensores sem Fios. 2018. 59 f. Monografia (graduação) - Curso de Tecnologia em Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Macaíba, 2018.
Bernardo, Assis Lucas Romão
The technology is used as an ally in the construction of solutions that could allow the maximization of productivity. The use of Wireless Sensor Networks (or WSNs) has been gaining space in application development due to its ability to build ad hoc networks for monitoring and control of environments. Devices that make up an WSNs have energy restrictions and need to use mechanisms to maximize the availability of the devices that make up the network. The objective of this work was to develop a WSNs middleware capable of applying energy saving policies to the nodes belonging to the network and controlling their respective work cycles, optimizing energy consumption and avoiding waste, thus being able to make feasible areas such as aquaculture. The evaluation was performed through the establishment of metrics to quantify efficiency in terms of energy savings and scalability. The results obtained for the consumption difference between the three energy use policies implemented were 74.8mA, 74.5mA and 1.78mA. For the evaluation of scalability in relation to package loss, the results were 100% of packages sent without loss. For the evaluation of package loss, considering the insertion of new nodes in the network, the results were 100% of the packages sent and for the evaluation of scalability in relation to the loss of packages with removal of nodes in the network during its operation 100% of the successfully sent. A case study was carried out that analyzed the behavior of the application in a system for monitoring in a microalgae culture environment, being able to perform the collection of physicochemical data of an environment.