Avaliação do concreto autoadensável com areia de RCD reforçados com fibras de aço e de polietileno submetidos ao ataque acelerado por cloretos
2021-11-01Registro en:
SANTOS, Huedly Chaves dos. Avaliação do concreto autoadensável com areia de RCD reforçados com fibras de aço e de polietileno submetidos ao ataque acelerado por cloretos. 2021. 120f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Santos, Huedly Chaves dos
The generation of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) has been growing every year.
Properly disposing of this material is an obligation of society. One solution is its reuse as
recycled aggregate (RA) in concrete. However, its use in replacement of natural aggregates in
concrete shows that there is a reduction in mechanical and durability properties. To alleviate
this problem, the addition of fibers to concrete and the use of self-compacting concrete (SCC)
can be alternatives to improve the mechanical behavior and durability, since the SCC uses low
water/cement ratios. Recent researches have intensified the study of CDW in structural concrete
in order to understand its behavior. The objective of this research is to evaluate the resistance
to penetration of chloride ions in self-compacting concrete with the addition of steel fibers and
commercial polyethylene, combined with the replacement of natural sand by fine recycled
aggregate of CDW, submitted to accelerated action in wetting and drying cycles in saline
solution, as well as the mechanical behavior to compression, flexural strength, and toughness.
The definition of fiber content and superplasticizer additive was carried out through a study of
mortars to then verify the behavior of SCC in the fresh state. In the hardened state, the
compressive behavior was evaluated before and after the wetting and drying cycles in saline
solution, and flexural strength and tenacity only after the wetting and drying cycles in saline
solution. The quality of the SCC was evaluated by determining the diffusion coefficient of
chloride ions, chloride penetration, electrical resistivity, water absorption by immersion, open
porosity in wet cure, in addition to the SEM to verify the state of the fibers after aggression
cycles. and disruption of the SCC. The study of mortars showed that it was possible to obtain
SCC with SF2 and SF3 classification according to NBR 15823 (ABNT, 2017) from mortars
with a spread between 280 mm ± 20 mm. The replacement of fine natural aggregate by RA
reduced the compressive strength in all mixes. The addition of steel fibers increased the
compressive strength, flexural strength and toughness of the composite compared to the
reference concrete with RA. The addition of commercial polyethylene fibers did not show
significant increases in compressive strength and flexural strength compared to the reference
concrete with RA, however the toughness showed a significant increase. Fiber composites
showed greater porosity and water absorption by immersion, caused by the incorporation of
fibers in concrete. The penetration of chloride ions was greater in concretes with fibers, as well
as the diffusion coefficients. Finally, the steel fibers in the SEM showed no evidence of
corrosion, and the polyethylene fibers showed surface wear caused by mechanical stress.