dc.contributorGomes, Apuena Vieira
dc.contributorMaia, Dennys Leite
dc.contributorNunes, Isabel Dillmann
dc.contributorCarvalho, Ana Beatriz Gomes Pimenta de
dc.creatorAzevêdo, Luciana de Sousa
dc.identifierAZEVÊDO, Luciana de Sousa. Cultura maker: uma nova possibilidade no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. 2019. 100f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Inovação em Tecnologias Educacionais) - Instituto Metrópole Digital, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2019.
dc.description.abstractThe information and communication technology, when well applied, facilitates learning, thus becoming a tool with great potential in the teaching and learning process, as it provides students with the ability to actively and collaboratively build their own knowledge. Based on Papert's constructionism, the Maker culture emerges, which presents the proposal of an education based on skills such as creative thinking, problem solving, communication, cooperation and collaboration. This research seeks to investigate how Maker culture can provide more meaningful learning in the teaching and learning process through the application of a didactic sequence. Thus, its general objective is to analyze the new possibilities of using the Maker Culture with students of the fifth year of elementary school through the use of a didactic sequence with approach in mathematics; and as specific objectives, to elaborate a didactic sequence for use in the Maker room; to apply the didactic sequence with the teacher; and to identify the contributions of Maker culture to the teaching and learning process. In relation to its nature, it is characterized as an applied research. The methodological approach can be considered qualitative, and in relation to the objectives, it can be said that it has nuances in exploratory and action research. In order to carry out the research, a didactic sequence was developed and applied with the students of the fifth year of elementary school. After the application of the didactic sequence, the students answered a questionnaire with closed questions and the teacher answered one with open questions. Then an interview was conducted with the teacher and the most participative students. The research was conducted in a private school, located in Parnamirim, which has a Maker room and it is where the researcher works. The research highlights that the use of the Maker room linked to the use of the didactic sequence fosters autonomy, collaborative work, encourages problem solving, critical thinking, student engagement and time management. Thus enabling the development of skills that are not worked on in traditional education. The research highlights that the use of the Maker room linked to the use of the didactic sequence, fosters autonomy, collaborative work, encourages problem solving, critical thinking, student engagement and time management, thus enabling the development of skills that are not worked on in traditional education. Therefore, the development of practical projects, through the Maker culture, can make the student's role in the teaching and learning process an opportunity, making the Maker culture a possible way to be developed in the current educational system.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCultura maker
dc.subjectTecnologia da informação e comunicação
dc.subjectEnsino e aprendizagem
dc.subjectSequência didática
dc.titleCultura maker: uma nova possibilidade no processo de ensino e aprendizagem

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