Recuperação e purificação do antígeno 503 de Leishmania i. chagasi expresso em E. coli e remoção de endotoxina utilizando adsorção em leito expandido
2015-02-27Registro en:
SOUSA JÚNIOR, Francisco Canindé de. Recuperação e purificação do antígeno 503 de Leishmania i. chagasi expresso em E. coli e remoção de endotoxina utilizando adsorção em leito expandido. 2015. 138f. Tese (Doutorado em Biotecnologia) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2015.
Sousa Júnior, Francisco Canindé de
The growing interest and applications of biotechnology products have increased the
development of new processes for recovery and purification of proteins. The
expanded bed adsorption (EBA) has emerged as a promising technique for this
purpose. It combines into one operation the steps of clarification, concentration and
purification of the target molecule. Hence, the method reduces the time and the cost
of operation. In this context, this thesis aim was to evaluate the recovery and
purification of 503 antigen of Leishmania i. chagasi expressed in E. coli M15 and
endotoxin removal by EBA. In the first step of this study, batch experiments were
carried out using two experimental designs to define the optimal adsorption and
elution conditions of 503 antigen onto Streamline chelating resin. For adsorption
assays, using expanded bed, it was used a column of 2.6 cm in diameter by 30.0 cm
in height coupled to a peristaltic pump. In the second step of study, the removal of
endotoxin during antigen recovery process was evaluated employing the non-ionic
surfactant Triton X-114 in the washing step ALE. In the third step, we sought
developing a mathematical model able to predict the 503 antigen breakthrough
curves in expanded mode. The experimental design results to adsorption showed the
pH 8.0 and the NaCl concentration of 2.4 M as the optimum adsorption condition. In
the second design, the only significant factor for elution was the concentration of
imidazole, which was taken at 600 mM. The adsorption isotherm of the 503 antigen
showed a good fit to the Langmuir model (R = 0.98) and values for qmax (maximum
adsorption capacity) and Kd (equilibrium constant) estimated were 1.95 mg/g and
0.34 mg/mL, respectively. Purification tests directly from unclarified feedstock
showed a recovery of 59.2% of the target protein and a purification factor of 6.0. The
addition of the non-ionic surfactant Triton X-114 to the washing step of EBA led to
high levels (> 99%) of LPS removal initially present in the samples for all conditions
tested. The mathematical model obtained to describe the 503 antigen breakthrough
curves in Streamline Chelanting resin in expanded mode showed a good fit for both
parameter estimation and validation steps. The validated model was used to optimize
the efficiencies, achieving maximum values of the process and of the column
efficiencies of 89.2% and 75.9%, respectively. Therefore, EBA is an efficient
alternative for the recovery of the target protein and removal of endotoxin from an E.
coli unclarified feedstock in just one step.