Imunoexpressão da proteína ING3 em Queilites Actínicas e carcinomas de células escamosas de lábio inferior
2021-07-07Registro en:
BARROS, Joyce Magalhães de. Imunoexpressão da proteína ING3 em Queilites Actínicas e carcinomas de células escamosas de lábio inferior. 2021. 89f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Odontológicas) - Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Barros, Joyce Magalhães de
The family of inhibitors of growth (ING) corresponds to a group of tumor suppressor genes
whose expression is altered or absent in several types of cancer. The products of these genes
are mainly related to cellular processes indispensable in carcinogenesis, including cell
proliferation, DNA replication and repair. This study evaluated the immunohistochemical
expression of ING3 protein in 45 actinic cheilitis (AC) and 48 lower lip squamous cell
carcinoma (CCELI) specimens. Protein expression was compared between the two groups of
samples, as well as with the clinicopathological parameters of studied lesions, using Fisher's
exact tests, Kruskal-Wallis (KW), Mann-Whitney (U) and correlation test of Spearman. A
significance level of 5% was adopted for all tests, with values of p ≤ 0.05 being considered
significant. No statistically significant associations were found between morphological
variables of CCELI and tumor size, lymph node involvement, clinical staging, local recurrence
and lymph node metastasis after treatment (p>0.05). Deaths were significantly more frequent
in tumors with a high histopathological risk score (p<0.05). In ACs, significant differences in
nuclear-cytoplasmic and restricted to the cytoplasm expression of ING3, with gradation of
Kujan et al. (2006) were found (p<0.05). In CCELIs, there was no statistically significant
difference when comparing ING3 expressions (nucleocytoplasmic and cytoplasmic restricted)
with clinical and morphological parameters (p>0.05). Nucleocytoplasmic ING3 expression was
significantly lower in CCELI when compared to AC cases (p<0.05) and cytoplasm-restricted
expression was significantly higher in CCELIs (p<0.05). Our results suggest that there is a
remarkable decrease in ING3 nuclear expression according to malignant progression, indicating
an impaired tumor suppressor function of this protein in AC and CCELI. However, it is believed
that, in lip carcinogenesis, ING3 is better characterized as predictive marker of malignant
transformation, rather than a biomarker of tumor biological behavior.