Educação a Distância na Formação Continuada do Policial Militar no Rio Grande do Norte: uma análise a partir da Rede EaD-SENASP do Ministério da Justiça
2018-07-03Registro en:
LIMA, Joab Alves de. Educação a Distância na formação continuada do Policial Militar no Rio Grande do Norte: uma análise a partir da Rede EaD-SENASP do Ministério da Justiça. 106 f. Monografia (Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro Ensino Superior do Seridó-CERES Caicó, Departamento de Educação, Pedagogia. - Natal, 2018. 106 f.: il.
Lima, Joab
This study sought, through a qualitative-quantitative research approach (CRESWELL, 2009); (LAKATOS, ANDRADE, 1999, 2000 and 2002); (LAVILLE and DIONNE, 1999); (MINAYO, 2008 and 2010); (VIEIRA, 2009), to investigate and identify the causes of the reduction in the enrollment of courses in EaD-SENASP Network as of 2009, under the PMRN. In this direction, to support the theoretical framework of the study in question, bibliographical research was carried out, followed by documentary analysis, and data collection in Brazil. (1996, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2014 and 2016); Freire (2012); Filocre (2009 and 2010); Remédios (2016); Silva (2009 and 2017), among others. From the application of a questionnaire to a non-probabilistic sample of the Military Police in the RN, it was verified that the motivating element indicated by the respondents, for the search of these courses, among others, a financial incentive. Based on the analyzes and the combination of the suggestions drawn from the opinions of the respondents, from the point of view of continuing education through the EAD, it is concluded that measures such as the creation of interconnected and decentralized management teams in the States; fostering and implementing financial incentive policies; incentives to create call centers and strategic poles of face-to-face support in the States; creation of a calendar of activities with wide dissemination in the institutions; among others; should be fostered at the governmental and institutional levels in order to strengthen mechanisms that would help to minimize the reduction in enrollment and to enhance and optimize the effects of the Network in the context of continuing education.