dc.contributorFerreira, Adir Luiz
dc.contributorCordeiro, Antonio Manuel Rochette
dc.contributorMelo, Elda Silva do Nascimento
dc.contributorAlcoforado, Joaquim Luís de Medeiros
dc.contributorDomingos Sobrinho, Moisés
dc.contributorLuiz, Ronilson de Souza
dc.creatorSilva, João Batista da
dc.identifierSILVA, João Batista da. Profissionalização policial-militar: a tomada de decisão como conhecimento e saber profissional na PMRN. 2017. 294f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Centro de Educação, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2017.
dc.description.abstractThe thesis is about Decision Making Activity (DMA) as a professional knowledge that composes the educational training process of the Military Police. From a theoretical and practical perspective, it has been studied the role taken by ATD as a way to solve criminal activity incidents that demand the use of force and/or guns in the ordinary procedures performed by Cables and Sergeants of the PMRN while on duty. It aimed to characterize the factors that influence the process of the mentioned activity, also discussing the Decision Making in the context of initial and continuing training. In addition to reflecting and interpreting the empirical data, the thesis also proposes a procedural framework to enhance the decision-making process in critical crime incidents. Exploratory and descriptive, this survey was carried out in March 2016, at the Center for Training and Improvement of the Rio Grande do Norte Military Police (CFAPM), in Natal, inquiring 23 Cables and 34 Sergeants, in a process of continuous education, where, through a mixed questionnaire, it aimed to reveal – from a hypothetical case, which simulated a critical crime incident, whereas a victim was under imminent death threat – what immediate DMA measures would be taken by those police officers. The results collected from that survey point to two differentiated types of training, because they belong to different hierarchy levels under a Chain of Command, however, equal responsibilities must be considered in the performance of ostensible, everyday policing, mobilizing similar knowledge and skills. The sergeants with an average of 30 years of service had an training within the militaristic paradigms, whereas that one of the Cables’ was established in the Curriculum Bases for the Citizen Security Professionals, institutionalized by the Ministry of Justice (MJ), through the National Board of Public Security (SENASP) since the year 2000. In spite of the lack of a national and/or state protocol to guide the DMA of military police officers in critical incidents, the results point to a standardization of the immediate actions adopted by those subject to the previously mentioned survey, based upon the crisis management doctrine, also systematized through a course from SENASP/MJ Distance Education Network. An even greater professional autonomy has been highlighted concerning the knowledge and skills in that area of study, presented by the Cables in the survey, who also demonstrated a higher level of schooling. In the institutional context, despite the policies implemented in the country in the area of public security, it stands out the perception that the police training is much more a protocol than directed to meet the standards of professional practice training.
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectFormação profissional
dc.subjectTomada de decisão
dc.subjectConhecimento profissional
dc.subjectProfissionalização do policial militar
dc.titleProfissionalização policial-militar: a tomada de decisão como conhecimento e saber profissional na PMRN

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