Product backlog orientado a metas em projetos scrum para fundamentar as tomadas de decisões do product owner
2020-07-27Registro en:
SOARES, Renato Mesquita. Product backlog orientado a metas em projetos scrum para fundamentar as tomadas de decisões do product owner. 2020. 91f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sistemas e Computação) - Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Soares, Renato Mesquita
In the Scrum Framework, the Product Owner (PO) takes the central role within the development process, being responsible for communicating between the customer and the
developers. In this intermediation, he manages the Product Backlog, which maintains a
list of items to be developed, corresponding to the customer’s needs. In this sense, the
literature has explored the challenges of the PO, mainly in the planning activities where,
in this context, the decision making is seen as his most important task. However, the lack
of structured information that can support their choices, makes them, many times, make
wrong decisions or omit this responsibility. In Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering,
the requirements are described from the stakeholders organizational goals and, according
to the literature, their definition can bring several benefits in terms of information organization capacity. Most Scrum projects use user stories to specify requirements and,
although they contain the definition of the goal, it is not evidented in the development
process. That said, this work aims to provide a presentation of the organizational information, inherent to the desired product or service, in a provision that justifies and guides
the decision making of the PO. To this end, a new model, the Goals-Oriented Product
Backlog, was proposed, which seeks to highlight the goals and their relationships with user
stories. The evaluative study carried out found evidence that the artifact provides more
structured information to the PO and, consequently, contributes to his decision making.