O império do grotesco em Fellini e Almodóvar: a desconstrução de estereótipos e estigmas sociais no cinema
2018-05-29Registro en:
SANTOS, Isadora Araújo. O império do grotesco em Fellini e Almodóvar: a desconstrução de estereótipos e estigmas sociais no cinema. 2018. 150f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estudos da Mídia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2018.
Santos, Isadora Araújo
This research seeks to understand the effects of the use of the grotesque as an expressive form
in the works of the filmmakers Federico Fellini and Pedro Almodóvar. For that, we
comparatively analyze two films: 8½ (FELLINI, 1963) and All About My Mother
(ALMODÓVAR, 1999), to establish dialogic relations between the analyzed works and the
other productions of the directors from their representations of bodies stigmatized. This
methodological strategy allowed us to discuss the aesthetic way in which filmmakers
articulate symbolic marks and stereotypes in their narratives. Although there are innumerable
differences in the way they make cinema, is possible to approach them in the way they both
create labyrinthine patterns for transgressing characters, using an aesthetic elaboration that
provokes estrangement and thus contributes to the deconstruction of stereotypes and social
stigmas. The figure of the clown, the life experiences and the threats of death size the circus
perspective of the universe of Fellini, who celebrates the madness, the obscene and the
deformed; Almodóvar abolished the right and wrong dichotomies to invite the viewer to
aberration, solitude, marginality. As a theoretical main contribution to the research, we use
Goffman's (1978) notions of stigma and Soares (2009) about social stigma in the media, the
categorizations of the grotesque in the light of Sodré and Paiva (2002) and the theories of
cinema coined by Edgar Morin (2014) and Christian Metz (1980). The method of approach
suggested by Vanoye and Goliot-Lété (1994) was used to analyze the films.