Extrato fenólico renovável a partir da carbonização da Jurema Preta (Mimosa tenuiflora)
2020-02-21Registro en:
CALIXTO, Guilherme Quintela. Extrato fenólico renovável a partir da carbonização da Jurema Preta (Mimosa tenuiflora). 2020. 71f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Química) - Centro de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2020.
Calixto, Guilherme Quintela
Carbonization is a thermochemical process of converting biomass into energy, with
neutral CO2 emissions. However, one of the biggest challenges of this process is to make it
sustainable, since two products other than charcoal are produced: gas and liquid. The gas,
mostly CH4, CO, CO2 and H2, is easy to reuse considering it can be used to heat the system
itself. The liquid, also called pyroligneous acid, has high chemical instability due to the
complex composition, including toxic organic compounds, and cannot be used immediately
after collection or dumped into the environment without prior treatment. This work aims to
characterize a distilled fraction obtained from the carbonization of Jurema Preta (Mimosa
tenuiflora), and to evaluate its commercial potential according to the results obtained for the
valorization of this by-product. Solid biomass was characterized by proximate analysis
(moisture, volatiles, ash and fixed carbon content), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and
analytical pyrolysis coupled to a gas chromatograph (Py-GC/MS) to identify the pyrolysis
products in different temperatures. The fractions of pyroligneous extract obtained in the
commercial carbonization process in the region of Acari (RN) at 300 and 400 °C were
rotoevaporated at 75 °C under vacuum, then extracted with dichloromethane and methanol for
further analysis by gas chromatography coupled with a spectrometer mass analysis (GC-MS),
and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The results show that Mimosa
tenuiflora's pyroligneous extract is rich in acetic acid and phenolic compounds. The solvents
used, dichloromethane and methanol, were able to separate and concentrate a phase rich in
phenolic compounds and a phase containing organic acids, respectively. The highest yield of
phenolic compounds was reached at a temperature of 300 °C with 70% purity after extraction
with dichloromethane. An extract containing approximately 92% acetic acid was obtained at
the same temperature of 300 °C after extraction with methanol of the non-dichloromethanerelated phase. The extraction method used was efficient in the separation of extracts containing important chemicals for industry and from a renewable origin, obtained from a byproduct of the carbonization process, characterizing it as a green product.