dc.contributorMaitelli, Carla
dc.contributorMaitelli, Carla
dc.contributorCosta, Rutácio
dc.contributorSilva, Sérgio
dc.creatorBibiano, Geilson
dc.identifierBIBIANO, Geilson de Macedo. Desenvolvimento de um Simulador para Análise do Processo de Descarga em Poços Equipados com Gas Lift. 2016. 61 f. TCC (Graduação) - Curso de Engenharia do Petróleo, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2016.
dc.description.abstractThis work shows the development of a simulator to analyze the Gas Lift unloading process considering the multi-phase flow transient effects. The computational tool try to reproduce the results obtained by Capucci (1990), which was the first to study the transient regime through computer and mathematics modeling using mass balance equations for liquid and gas phases as well as mixtures momentum equations. The tool simulates the unloading process, which is the mechanism of removing the fluid presents in the annulus and tubing through gas injection at the surface, moving the fluid from the annulus to tubing by Gas Lift valves. The results obtained in this work were organized in graphics that illustrate the following curves: tubing pressure and annulus pressure, liquid and gas rate through the valves, superficial velocities for liquid and gas, and liquid holdup in different well points. To validate the results, they were compared to the ones determined by Capucci (1990) assuming two study cases. The first one considered only one Gas Lift valve while the second case assumes three valves located at different depths and distinct pressure calibration from each other. After comparing, it was observed that even though the results from this work are coherent with the studies, they are not equals to Capucci (1990) calculated values, concluding the need for an improvement and review of the developed simulator.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherEngenharia do Petróleo
dc.subjectGas Lift
dc.subjectEfeitos Transientes
dc.subjectDescarga de Poço
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de um Simulador para Análise do Processo de Descarga em Poços Equipados com Gas Lift

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