Uma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de middlewares auto-adaptativos para transmissão de fluxo de dados baseado em restrições de QoS

dc.contributorLopes, Adilson Barboza
dc.contributorSilveira, Glêdson Elias da
dc.contributorKulesza, Uira
dc.creatorSilva, Andre Gustavo Pereira da
dc.identifierSILVA, Andre Gustavo Pereira da. Uma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de middlewares auto-adaptativos para transmissão de fluxo de dados baseado em restrições de QoS. 2010. 110 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2010.
dc.description.abstractThe use of middleware technology in various types of systems, in order to abstract low-level details related to the distribution of application logic, is increasingly common. Among several systems that can be benefited from using these components, we highlight the distributed systems, where it is necessary to allow communications between software components located on different physical machines. An important issue related to the communication between distributed components is the provision of mechanisms for managing the quality of service. This work presents a metamodel for modeling middlewares based on components in order to provide to an application the abstraction of a communication between components involved in a data stream, regardless their location. Another feature of the metamodel is the possibility of self-adaptation related to the communication mechanism, either by updating the values of its configuration parameters, or by its replacement by another mechanism, in case of the restrictions of quality of service specified are not being guaranteed. In this respect, it is planned the monitoring of the communication state (application of techniques like feedback control loop), analyzing performance metrics related. The paradigm of Model Driven Development was used to generate the implementation of a middleware that will serve as proof of concept of the metamodel, and the configuration and reconfiguration policies related to the dynamic adaptation processes. In this sense was defined the metamodel associated to the process of a communication configuration. The MDD application also corresponds to the definition of the following transformations: the architectural model of the middleware in Java code, and the configuration model to XML
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sistemas e Computação
dc.publisherCiência da Computação
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectComunicação entre Componentes de software
dc.subjectTransmissão de fluxo de dados
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento dirigido por modelos
dc.subjectmiddleware auto-adaptativo
dc.subjectCommunication between software components
dc.subjectTransmission of data flow model driven development
dc.subjectSelf-adaptive middleware
dc.titleUma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de middlewares auto-adaptativos para transmissão de fluxo de dados baseado em restrições de QoS
dc.titleUma abordagem dirigida por modelos para desenvolvimento de middlewares auto-adaptativos para transmissão de fluxo de dados baseado em restrições de QoS

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