Degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca de grãos de milho e de sorgo com alto ou baixo conteúdo de tanino processados
2012-04-01Registro en:
Revista Brasileira de Saude e Producao Animal, v. 13, n. 2, p. 516-528, 2012.
Regional Médio Paranapanema
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Zootecnia e Extensão Rural
This work evaluated the effects of high moisture silage, extrusion and corn and sorghum drying with and without tannin, on the chemical composition and ruminal digestion of dry matter. The experimental design was completely randomized in 3x3 factorial scheme (kinds of grains: processing), for the chemical composition and degradability and three blocks (animals) through in situ method. It was verified significant difference between kinds of grains and processing in relation to the chemical composition, except for crude protein and mineral matter. The contents of etherextract in the three types of grains, were reduced significantly with the high moisture silage, extrusion and drying in relation to the humid material. For the contents of phenols, total and condensed tannin there was effect of hybrid, processing and interaction, and the most elevated contents were found in sorghum with tannin. Although grain composition has been similar, the interaction in ruminal ambient associated to the tannin, promoted differences in the dry matter degradability. It was concluded that sorghum without tannin may be ensiled or extruded, while the sorghum with tannin, must be extruded to improve the degradability and availability of nutrients.