dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.contributorGriffith Univ
dc.contributorBeijing Hui Long Guan Hosp
dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
dc.contributorAdyar Hosp
dc.contributorUniv Colombo
dc.contributorUniv KwaZulu Natal
dc.contributorHanoi Med Univ
dc.contributorEstonian Ctr Behav & Hlth Sci
dc.contributorTehran Psychiat Inst
dc.contributorKarolinska Inst
dc.identifierCrisis-the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. Gottingen: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, v. 31, n. 4, p. 194-201, 2010.
dc.description.abstractBackground: Attempted suicide is a strong risk factor for subsequent suicidal behaviors. Innovative strategies to deal with people who have attempted suicide are needed, particularly in resource-poor settings. Aims: To evaluate a brief educational intervention and periodic follow-up contacts (BIC) for suicide attempters in five culturally different sites (Campinas, Brazil; Chennai, India; Colombo, Sri Lanka; Karaj, Islamic Republic of Iran; and Yuncheng, People's Republic of China) as part of the WHO Multisite Intervention Study on Suicidal Behaviors (SUPRE-MISS). Methods: Among the 1,867 suicide attempters enrolled in the emergency departments of the participating sites, 922 (49.4%) were randomly assigned to a brief intervention and contact (BIC) group and 945 (50.6%) to a treatment as usual (TAU) group. Repeated suicide attempts over the 18 months following the index attempt - the secondary outcome measure presented in this paper - were identified by follow-up calls or visits. Subsequent completed suicide - the primary outcome measure has been reported in a previous paper. Results: Overall, the proportion of subjects with repeated suicide attempts was similar in the BIC and TAU groups (7.6% vs. 7.5%, chi(2) = 0.013; p = .909), but there were differences in rates across the five sites. Conclusions: This study from five low-and middle-income countries does not confirm the effectiveness of brief educational intervention and follow-up contacts for suicide attempters in reducing subsequent repetition of suicide attempts up to 18 months after discharge from emergency departments.
dc.publisherHogrefe & Huber Publishers
dc.relationCrisis-the Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.sourceWeb of Science
dc.subjectrepeated suicide attempts
dc.subjectbrief intervention
dc.subjectrandomized controlled trial
dc.subjectlow- and middle-income countries
dc.titleRepetition of Suicide Attempts Data from Emergency Care Settings in Five Culturally Different Low- and Middle-Income Countries Participating in the WHO SUPRE-MISS Study
dc.typeTrabalho apresentado em evento

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