dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.identifierFechner Day 99: the End of 20th Century Psychophysics, Proceedings. Tempe: Arizona Stat Univ, Dept Psychology, p. 210-215, 1999.
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the present study was to verify the memory exponents of power function for area in observers of different age and educational levels (elementary school, high school or undergraduate school), using the psychophysics method of magnitude estimation. For the age level I (17 to 30 years old) there was no difference among educational levels, although for the age level II (45 to 60 years old) the differences were significant. Tn the age level II, there was a tendency for greater variability of the responses for lower educational levels. The data obtained for the age level I did not show the same results, although a significant difference among the three educational levels was observed. We call conclude that the mnemonic processes present different results when we observe the answers from observers with different ages. This result leads us to suppose that the motivational factor related to the stimulus used can interact with the mnemonic processes.
dc.publisherArizona Stat Univ, Dept Psychology
dc.relationFechner Day 99: the End of 20th Century Psychophysics, Proceedings
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.sourceWeb of Science
dc.titlePsychophysical power functions for estimates of area: Effects of age and educational levels
dc.typeTrabalho apresentado em evento

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