dc.contributorEmpresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)
dc.contributorUniversidade de Brasília (UnB)
dc.contributorUniv Catolica Brasilia
dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.contributorUniv Catolica Goias
dc.identifierTheoretical and Applied Genetics. New York: Springer, v. 111, n. 6, p. 1060-1071, 2005.
dc.description.abstractCultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is an important crop, widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is highly susceptible to several biotic and abiotic stresses to which wild species are resistant. As a first step towards the introgression of these resistance genes into cultivated peanut, a linkage map based on microsatellite markers was constructed, using an F-2 population obtained from a cross between two diploid wild species with AA genome (A. duranensis and A. stenosperma). A total of 271 new microsatellite markers were developed in the present study from SSR-enriched genomic libraries, expressed sequence tags (ESTs), and by data-mining sequences available in GenBank. of these, 66 were polymorphic for cultivated peanut. The 271 new markers plus another 162 published for peanut were screened against both progenitors and 204 of these (47.1%) were polymorphic, with 170 codominant and 34 dominant markers. The 80 codominant markers segregating 1:2:1 (P < 0.05) were initially used to establish the linkage groups. Distorted and dominant markers were subsequently included in the map. The resulting linkage map consists of 11 linkage groups covering 1,230.89 cM of total map distance, with an average distance of 7.24 cM between markers. This is the first microsatellite-based map published for Arachis, and the first map based on sequences that are all currently publicly available. Because most markers used were derived from ESTs and genomic libraries made using methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes, about one-third of the mapped markers are genic. Linkage group ordering is being validated in other mapping populations, with the aim of constructing a transferable reference map for Arachis.
dc.relationTheoretical and Applied Genetics
dc.rightsAcesso restrito
dc.sourceWeb of Science
dc.titleA microsatellite-based, gene-rich linkage map for the AA genome of Arachis (Fabaceae)

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