Exotic dark spinor fields
2011-04-01Registro en:
Journal of High Energy Physics. New York: Springer, n. 4, p. 26, 2011.
Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)
Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
Exotic dark spinor fields are introduced and investigated in the context of inequivalent spin structures on arbitrary curved spacetimes, which induces an additional term on the associated Dirac operator, related to a Cech cohomology class. For the most kinds of spinor fields, any exotic term in the Dirac operator can be absorbed and encoded as a shift of the electromagnetic vector potential representing an element of the cohomology group H-1(M, Z(2)). The possibility of concealing such an exotic term does not exist in case of dark (ELKO) spinor fields, as they cannot carry electromagnetic charge, so that the full topological analysis must be evaluated. Since exotic dark spinor fields also satisfy Klein-Gordon propagators, the dynamical constraints related to the exotic term in the Dirac equation can be explicitly calculated. It forthwith implies that the non-trivial topology associated to the spacetime can drastically engender - from the dynamics of dark spinor fields - constraints in the spacetime metric structure. Meanwhile, such constraints may be alleviated, at the cost of constraining the exotic spacetime topology. Besides being prime candidates to the dark matter problem, dark spinor fields are shown to be potential candidates to probe non-trivial topologies in spacetime, as well as probe the spacetime metric structure.